Executive Committee

Claudette Lindquist

Faculty; Heritage University


Maggie Mendoza

Early Education P-3 Coordinator; ESD 105

Committee Member

Michele Cawley

Coalition Co-Lead; Kittitas County Early Learning Coalition

Committee Member

Lindsay Boswell, M.Ed.

Regional Coordinator, Investing in Children Coalition

Staff to Executive Committee

Stacey Drake

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning; WVSD #208

Committee Member

Carina Gonzalez

Family Resource Navigator, WithinReach

Committee Member

Governing Body Charter

An Executive Committee, elected by the Members, is comprised of representatives of professionals who are actively involved with organizations that provide programming and services to families with young children in Kittitas and Yakima counties.

The Executive Committee guides and engages our Coalition in advancing objectives in accordance with principles, commitments, roles, and processes described in the Coalition Charter. The Committee also guides decisions made by the Coalition in accordance with the strategic framework.

Executive Committee Membership - The Executive Committee is composed of seven Members who are also members of the Coalition.

Desired Characteristics of the Executive Committee - We will strive to elect an Executive Committee that, in total:

  • Demonstrates the breadth of expertise in early childhood, health, and P12 education, higher education, policy and advocacy, and community engagement to promote the coalition’s strategic framework and is reflected in the Executive Committee Membership Chart.
  • Exemplifies the wisdom, time, and energy needed to advance our objectives and embody our strategic framework.
  • Understands and implements racial equity and inclusion throughout the Coalition’s operations and work.
  • Each committee member must be a representative from an organization who is a voting member of the Coalition.
  • The full Executive Committee make-up should include:
    • Two members who represent Kittitas County;
    • Two members who represent the Lower Valley;
    • Two members who represent the Upper Valley (to include Yakima); and
    • One at-large member.

Members serve for a two-year term. Executive Committee Members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms with at least a one-year interval in between their second term and a subsequent term. Executive Committee members are elected annually at the October planning meeting. If an Executive Committee member leaves prior to their term ending, the Nominating Committee can appoint a new member to serve the remainder of that Executive Committee member's term. If that appointed member wishes to serve after that time, they would be considered for vote at the next October meeting.

Candidates for the Executive Committee are selected by the Nominating Committee and brought to the Coalition for a vote. Members elect the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee will:

  • Oversee the implementation of the strategic framework
  • Initiate and oversee strategic planning sessions at a minimum of every three years, but more often as needed
  • Supervise and evaluate the hired Coalition coordinator
  • Oversee that the development and implementation of the annual Action Plan is in alignment with the Coalition’s strategic framework, which includes ensuring it is practical given the Coalition’s capacity and resources and active participation in one action team
  • Serve on at least one action team, preferably in a lead or co-lead role
  • Draft the agenda for the monthly Coalition and Executive Committee meetings with the Coalition coordinator
  • Be responsible for officially voting on the following items:
    • Yearly budget and expenses
    • Reports to funders as needed
    • Policies and procedures that set clear expectations for the committees, action teams, and the Coalition’s work
    • Approve Executive Committee meeting minutes
    • In the event the Coalition applies for a grant, approve final proposal
    • In the event the Coalition applies for a grant in partnership with others, approve the Coalition’s ability to participate in that process
    • Approve Coalition’s fiscal sponsorship status or fiscal sponsorship agent
  • In the event of a transition, coordinate with the fiscal sponsor for recruiting, hiring, and onboarding process
  • Maintain relationship with fiscal sponsor
  • Represent the Coalition at state and regional deliberations and with the media and authorize others to do so as needed
  • Help facilitate and maintain relationships with Coalition members and stakeholders from the community
  • Identify current issues that impact families with young children that the Coalition may want to address or incorporate into their programming in some way (i.e., Census 2020)
  • Have the ability to implement responses to grievance issues or communication issues within the Coalition
  • Maintain consistent attendance and participation either in-person or virtually. (If an Executive Committee misses three consecutive meetings, their membership will need to be discussed among the Executive Committee. An Executive Committee member can ask someone to serve as their alternate or proxy.)

The Executive Committee adopted a consensus-based governance structure due to the nature of the Coalition’s work. Instead of traditional roles like treasurer, secretary, vice chair, and so on, the Executive Committee has other roles as outlined above. However, the Coalition will appoint a Chair to ensure the structure is implemented and functioning. The Chair’s responsibilities include:

  • In the event a signature is needed from a Coalition representative, the Chair will be responsible for acting as the signer.
  • Acting as the liaison between the Executive Committee and the fiscal sponsor. The Chair must communicate with the Executive Committee first to reach a consensus on issues that they want to address or share with the fiscal sponsor.
  • Support Executive Committee members in meeting the expectations and responsibilities outlined in this charter.
  • Oversee resolution of grievances in accordance with the section entitled Grievance Resolution